Sunday, November 30, 2014

It's all about the cosmo

I'm a cosmo girl. I truly would have fit right in with the Sex & The City friends, except for the wardrobe.  So before any other kind of signature drink, perfecting the cosmopolitan was my priority.

My sister makes a mean one - so I asked her secret. So does my best friend's husband - so I asked his recipe. I've ordered them all over the country, sometimes with delicious result and sometimes not so much. At last, after many tastings and much practice, here is my recipe:

The Perfect Cosmopolitan
2 oz. vodka
1 oz. Triple Sec (or Cointreau when I'm feeling rich)
1 oz. cranberry juice
a dash of Rose's lime juice
juice from one fresh lime slice

Measure: For a single cosmo, I use a shot glass and pour the ingredients right into the shaker. Usually, however, I am making them for a group.  I measure everything into a 4-cup glass measuring cup so I can use the markings on the side for my proportions. Measure the vodka, triple sec, and cranberry first. Then add the Rose's and fresh lime. PARTY TIP: Make a pitcher before the guests arrive to save time during the party.

Fair warning, these are strong. To tune them down, I add a bit more cranberry or let the ice melt in the shaker for a while, shake again, and pour.

Rim the glass (if desired): For me, the Perfect Cosmopolitan doesn't require any rimmer at all. But rimmers are pretty and add a dash more sweet to the taste. I squeeze the lime into the drink shaker (or the measuring cup) and then use the rind to wipe around the top of the glass to hold the rimmer. White sugar is standard for basic cosmos, but you can really have fun with colored sugar and other little delectables! Pour the sugar onto a small plate and dip the lime-wiped top of the glass into it. Swirl the glass in the rimmer until you get a nice even coating.

Shake: The shaking is key. I find it makes a big difference when I really shake vigorously for about 30 seconds. It's about more than just mixing the ingredients; it's getting them so cold and agitated that they're almost frothy and slushy.

Pour into rimmed glass. Garnish with a lime.

sip.  savor.  celebrate!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Introducing....The Martini Lady!

In my circle of friends, I'm always the one who brings the drinks. It's my thing. Why? I love matching drinks to the occasion - whether it be birthdays, holidays or a themed party. And I hate to cook, so it conveniently gets me out of that.

So after years of pursuing the unofficial title of The Rachel Ray of Signature Drinks, I bring you this blog - a place to share my creations, cocktail recipes, tips, and discoveries. I've been threatening it forever. It all came together at a party a couple of weeks ago. One of my girlfriend's guests who I had not met before was saying her goodbyes at the end of the evening.

"Hey, where's the martini lady?" I heard her shout from the door. "Those were great! Thanks!"

And that was it.


P.S. Seeing as this is a cocktail-related blog, and I'm a suburban mom at heart, I would be remiss if I didn't give a shout out to moderation. And, of course, to not drinking and driving. In our group, if I'm mixing martinis for the girls, the guys drive home. Besides, by and large, what I will share are specialty drinks. They are meant to be enjoyed, not guzzled. Thus I will end each post with this reminder:
sip.  savor.  celebrate!